Welcome in agricultural Hamza

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة حمزة 2012
All rights reserved for Agricultural Hamza 2012

The company has Agencies for agricultural machinery as universal as the shearing machines grass and the company implement procurement contracts for all varieties of agricultural including fertilizers, pesticides and related activities to agricultural activity has specialized company for many years in the import and maintenance of all types of agricultural machinery and equipment and the provision of original spare parts have especially shearing machines grass allcapabilities of various tractors customized for large and also small machines for spaces Ltd. The company also provides maintenance center specializing in carrying out maintenance of agricultural machinery and especially shearing machines grass where the work by engineers specialize, technicians and workers skilled and trained on the latest means of maintenance machines cut grass sizes and capacities of differentwith the provision of original spare parts needed for maintenance of the equipment
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Agencies and Agricultural Supplies
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